Atmore RC will host point series for two separate classes during the 2025 season. Our premier class, the 2.90 Index class is being presented by RBA Racing and h2o Leak Detection, with a starting points fund of $900. Additionally, we’ll have points contested for our Open Bracket class, which will also have a starting points fund of $900. Drivers can enter points for $25 per class, which goes into the points fund.

Points will be awarded as follows: Three (3) Points to Show/Enter and One (1) Point Per Round Win
Round Win points will stop at the point of loss. Any wins after a buy back or from the losers bracket will not yield points.

Drivers may enter multiple cars and/or enter the same car multiple times in a class. The driver’s entry with the highest seed (lowest number) will be counted toward their points for the event. Example: Driver has two entries. Entry 1 loses first round and buys back, but goes on to the win the event. Entry two wins first round and loses second round. Driver will be awarded 3 show points only.

This is on a per class basis. Points are separate and independent class to class. Example: Driver is entered in points in both classes. Driver decides to only enter 2.90 class at an event. Driver will not receive show points for the other class not entered into.